Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Got wood?

View of what I beleive are walls being assembled on the basement floor that will be tilted up when complete.
Here is a shot of another stack of lumber and the floor joists. I know they joists span the house but I was still a little suprised to see how long they were.
Some more lumber, yeah!
Another view of the soon to be wall on the basement floor!

YES! Well I had been told that the first part of the lumber package would be delivered on Monday. I was going to drive by yesterday but was afraid of disappointment. So I couldn't take it anymore so I drove by today and guess what there was lumber there and some stuff that looked like walls that are very close to being tilted up. YEAH! So can you feel the excitement?

1 comment:

Johnson Family said...

I have a routine of checking all the blogs and if it doesn't look like anything is new I quickly go to the next on my list...I almost clicked right past yours but was pleasantly surprised! I'm so excited for you guys!